On December 30th Drew and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary! Yea us!! We are two seriously odd people that somehow managed to find each other and I'm so glad that we did. So, what do most people do for their anniversary? Maybe give each other nice gifts, go to a fancy dinner, take a vacation ... all of those sound fun, but we went a completely different route. Drew and I spent our anniversary showing 33 teenagers the plight of the homeless in Atlanta. We took them on a tour of Peach and Pine (aka Task Force for the Homeless) which is the largest overflow shelter in the city, showed them "Chicken Run" where people dumpster dive under the 5 Points Marta Station, the Abandominium that houses more than 100 homeless people and "Jurassic Park" where a large number of crack addicted homeless live.
That might sound like a crazy way to spend such an important day, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
I will say this, for as weird and crazy as we are, we've made it this far. It's sad to say that our marriage has outlasted most of our friends marriages. I feel so blessed that Drew and I both never stop trying, and working, and striving to better our relationship. It's been a lot of hard work that has gotten us this far! I look forward with great anticipation as to what lies ahead of us over the next eight years.

Peach and Pine.

The resident volunteer dorms at Peach and Pine.

the Abandominium