Three years ago today we were blessed with the birth of our second daughter, Aven Ray Benton. She's my little Sunshine - if you know her, then you know why we call her that. She's a gift we never thought we'd get to enjoy ...
We were the proud parents of Emma but we wanted to add a sibling to the family for her (and us). We tried to conceive for almost two years. During that time we learned that I have PCOS and that without fertility treatments (which we could not afford) the odds of us having another baby were pretty much nil. I was devastated. I took a long bath the day we found out that news. I cried and prayed and came to terms with the fact that we had more than we could have imagined with Emma. So I decided to let go of my dream of another child and simply put all of my focus on Emma. Little did I know, I was already pregnant!
We made the choice early on not to find out the sex of baby #2. We also kept the names we had picked for the baby secret from everyone. My pregnancy went pretty much perfectly. My due date came and went, just like with Emma.
On April 14th I started contracting. Such a different labor than the 0-60 mph one I had with Emma - this labor was slow. By the morning of the 15th I couldn't take laboring at home any more so we headed to the hospital. After over 30 hours of labor, I had my second c-section. The surgeon, nurses and Drew and I were all taking bets in the delivery room as to what the sex was. I will never forget when the surgeon pulled her out and said, "It's a girl!" I shouted, "We have an Aven!!"
Aven Ray Benton was born on April 16, 2006 (Easter morning). She was exactly what this family needed - we are now perfectly balanced.
Aven's our resident drama queen and comedian all wrapped into one. She's so particular and expressive and has these baby blues that could melt a heart of stone. She's a princess and she reminds us of that fact every day. I am so blessed to have her in my life!
Here are some of my favorite picutres of my Sunshine ...

1 comment:
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing with the world a little bit about our awesome daughter.
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